
Augmented Reality

Content & Creative



Emerge is a marketing company driven to help you create engaging relationships with your audience of consumers. We leverage our knowledge of cutting edge marketing technology like “augmented reality” to help you exponentially expand your brand’s reach. We will challenge you to ignore the inhibitions of ordinary and strive for extraordinary so amazing and enriching customer experiences can EMERGE.



Augmented reality (AR) is app technology that meshes virtual digital content into a real environment. AR is the future of engagement marketing. It offers the user a more enriching and interactive experience that can include user interactive elements like 3D animation. Augmented reality experiences can be triggered by print image recognition, geolocation, facial recognition and audio elements. The app technology also offers the ability to capture user analytics - giving you the ability to analyze and quantify your campaign as well as collect important user information. You can experience a simple AR sample by following this link and downloading the associated app to your smartphone or smartpad and then scanning the sample image below from your computer screen… http://get.layar.com/



General Email: Info@emergemktgroup.com



Now more than ever content is king, and everyday new forms of content are created. Is there a “norm” when it comes to content? We don’t think so. Content is whatever your target audience wants and our goal is to help you figure that out. That should always be a fun process for you, your target audience, and us! Fair warning though, we definitely will get a bit outside of the box during the process to help you understand that there really is no limit when it comes to content.


Buckle up and lock the safety bar firmly in place, because to ride along with the minds that will create your content can get a little crazy. You can ride as many times as you want and there will always be something new to grab your audience. That’s what happens when you leave your audience in charge of the controls… and trust us – you may own the ride, BUT your audience is and always will be in charge of the controls AND they want to share the experience with everyone!